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Results for search "Insulin".

Health News Results - 81

Inhaled insulin could be a better option than injections or pumps for some patients with type 1 diabetes, a new clinical trial shows.

Patients using inhaled insulin (Afrezza) plus long-lasting

Managing a stroke victim's blood sugar levels after they receive powerful clot-busting drugs might help them survive their health crisis, a new trial finds.

People with high blood sugar levels were more likely to suffer a potentially deadly brain bleed after clot-busters reopened their blocked brain arteries, researchers found.

The risk was particularly high in older patients with m...

An immune-compromised man with a year-and-a-half-long COVID infection served as a breeding ground for dozens of coronavirus mutations, a new study discovered.

Worse, several of the mutations were in the COVID spike protein, indicating that the virus had attempted to evolve around current vaccines, researchers report.

"This case underscores the risk of persistent SARS-CoV-2 infection...

There may be an unexpected fix for ongoing shortages of insulin: A brown bovine in Brazil recently made history as the first transgenic cow able to produce human insulin in her milk.

"Mother Nature designed the mammary gland as a factory to make protein really, really efficiently," explained study leader Matt Wheeler, a professor ...

Managing diabetes will be a less expensive proposition for more Americans in 2024.

Sanofi has officially joined Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly in lowering the cost of insulin to $35 a month for many patients. The three drugmakers are also drastically lowering the list prices for their insulin pr...

People with type 1 diabetes lack functional islet cells in their pancreas to produce the hormone insulin and must take daily insulin via injections or a continuous pump to compensate.

But if new research pans out, some folks with type 1 diabetes may no longer need ...

Recent research has suggested that viruses could play a role in the loss of pancreatic beta cells, which triggers type 1 diabetes.

Now, a new trial finds antiviral medications, when given soon after a child is diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, might help preserve those vital beta cells.

Antiviral drugs could be "used alone, or as part of combination treatment regimens, to rescue insu...

The blockbuster drug Ozempic has become a household name for its ability to spur weight loss. Now an early study hints at an intriguing possibility: The drug might allow people newly diagnosed with type 1 diabetes to drop their daily insulin shots.

Experts emphasized that the findings

People with type 2 diabetes could soon have access to convenient once-a-week insulin shots that could replace the daily injections now required.

A once-weekly insulin formulation called icodec performed just as well as daily doses of the insulin degludec, phase 3 clinical trial results show.

Icodec now awaits approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration based on these results, ...

Could a one-hour procedure that involves zapping a part of the intestines mean no more insulin for millions of folks with type 2 diabetes?

Maybe, according to a small study scheduled for presentation next week at the Digestive Disease Week meeting in Chicago.

The new minimally invasive procedure used controlled electrical pulses to change the lining of the first part of the small i...

Sanofi Inc. on Thursday became the third company to announce it will slash prices on its insulin products.

The French company announced that it will cut prices by 78% and cap out-of-pocket charges for its insulin, brand named Lantus, at $35 per month. The company will also lower prices on its short-acting insulin, Apidra, by 70%.

"Sanofi believes that no one should struggle to pay f...

Novo Nordisk Inc. on Tuesday became the third drug company to say it will slash prices on some of its insulin products.

Starting in January 2024, there will be a 75% price cut for NovoLog and NovoLog Mix 70/30, while Novolin and Levemir will see cuts of 65%, the Danish pharmaceutical giant announced in a

  • Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • March 14, 2023
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  • More Americans will soon be paying less for their insulin.

    Eli Lilly, one of the three insulin manufacturers, plans to cut its list prices of the drug by 70% and cap out-of-pocket costs at $35 a month.

    "While the current health care system provides access to insulin for most people with diabetes, it still does not provide affordable insulin for everyone, and that needs to change," E...

    People with health conditions like type 2 diabetes, gestational diabetes or polycystic ovarian syndrome may have been advised about the value of an insulin-resistance diet.

    But this way of eating can benefit most people interested in balancing blood sugars, whether that's to help treat or prevent chronic conditions, or just to gain more energy and better mood control.

    "An 'insulin-r...

    An artificial pancreas has long been considered the holy grail for people with type 1 diabetes, and new research suggests a more convenient version of this technology may help the millions of people living with type 2 diabetes.

    Type 2 is the more common form of diabetes, and is clos...

    Insulin pumps can help folks with type 1 diabetes get better control of their disease and minimize how often they inject insulin, and use of the devices has taken off in the past 20 years.

    That's the good news from a new study.

    The not-so-great news is that a large gap in wh...

    California's plan to manufacture its own insulin could be a huge money-saver for state residents with diabetes -- and possibly be a model for other states, according to experts.

    Earlier this year, California announced an initiative to bring its own insulin products to market, in response to the steep costs of the lifesaving drug in the United States.

    And if it's successful, it will ...

    Two common diabetes medications seem to outperform two others when it comes to controlling blood sugar levels, a large U.S. trial has found.

    The trial of more than 5,000 people with type 2 diabetes found that two injection medications -- a long-acting insulin and

  • Amy Norton HealthDay Reporter
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  • September 22, 2022
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  • Every year, hibernating bears are able to feast, pack on a huge amount of weight and then lie around for months -- all without suffering the health consequence of diabetes. Now researchers are closer to understanding their secret.

    Scientists with the Washington State University Bear Center say they've zeroed in on eight proteins that appear key to keeping hibernating grizzlies diabetes-pr...

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning patients who use a particular insulin pump system that unauthorized people could access it and change how much insulin a patient receives.

    The pump at the center of the FDA alert is the Medtronic MiniMed 600 Series Insulin Pump S...

    People with type 1 diabetes who need to inject insulin a few times a day could eventually be switching to an easier-to-take tablet that dissolves inside the cheek.

    Canadian researchers working with rodents report they have created an insulin that could be taken in pill form without most of bein...

    President Joe Biden on Tuesday signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law, making it the most significant health care legislation enacted in more than a decade.

    How will it affect health care?

    Millions of Americans covered by Medicare will see big reductions in costs for both health care and...

    California Governor Gavin Newsom announced Thursday that the state will spend $100 million to produce its own insulin.

    The innovative push comes after years of astronomical prices for the drug have made it nearly impossible for many people with diabetes to a...

    Diane Kondyra knows a lot about the hidden dangers of diabetes.

    Both she and her husband have been diagnosed with the blood sugar disease, and her husband suffered one of its devastating complications in 2018 when he developed a staph infection that cost him part of his leg. Uncontrolled diabetes can restrict blood flow to the legs, making it more likely that simple cuts can turn int...

    Overall use of insulin pumps among U.S. youngsters with type 1 diabetes has climbed in recent decades, but those who are poor or from minority groups are less likely to have the devices, a new study finds.

    Insulin pumps, which do away with the need for numerous painful injections, have been shown to ...

    Open-source automated insulin delivery (AID) systems are an effective and safe way for people with type 1 diabetes to control their blood sugar levels, researchers say.

    The AID systems combine an insulin pump, a contin...

    A new therapy corrects low blood sugar in children with a genetic disorder that causes the pancreas to produce too much insulin, researchers say.

    Congenital hyperinsulinism (HI) is the most common cause of...

    Americans who use insulin to control their diabetes could soon save hundreds of dollars every year on the medicine, after the House passed a $35-a-month cap on insulin costs Thursday.

    The bill was passed by a 232-193 vote. It now has to pass the Senate with at least 10 Republican votes, though Democrats have ...

    Katherine Stewart, 16, must take six to 10 insulin shots a day to properly manage her type 1 diabetes.

    Her Highland, Utah, family pays $500 a month out of pocket for her insulin. Before they meet their insurance's deductible, they shell out the cash price of nearly $2,000 a month.

    Now Stewart is preparing to leave the nest, and she doesn't know how she'll be able to afford it.

    Having a child with type 1 diabetes can be a challenging health condition for parents to manage, but new research suggests an "artificial pancreas" system may beat standard treatment in controlling the blood sugar disease in young children.

    Forms of the technology -- which automatically monitors and regulates blood sugar -- are already available for adults and kids with

  • Amy Norton HealthDay Reporter
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  • January 20, 2022
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  • Scientists have known for 100 years that insulin is the body's main mechanism for controlling blood sugar levels, but researchers have now discovered a second hormone does the same job a bit differently -- and they say it could be a new target for treating diabetes.

    The hormone, called FGF1, is produced in the body's fat tissue. Like

  • Amy Norton HealthDay Reporter
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  • January 5, 2022
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  • Hiking and skiing in the mountains may wreak havoc on the blood sugar levels of those with type 1 diabetes, new research suggests.

    Exercise offers many benefits -- such as improved heart health, better insulin sensitivity and quality of life -- for people with diabetes and is often recommended by the...

    President Joe Biden promised cheaper prescription drugs for all Americans on Monday as his social agenda legislation winds its way through Congress.

    Biden tried to shift Americans' focus to pocketbook provisions overlooked in his $2 trillion legislation, which deals with everything from climate to family life and taxes. The legislation has passed the House and is pending before the Senate...

    Medtronic has expanded a recall of its MiniMed 600 series insulin pumps to include more than 463,000 of the devices.

    The pumps may deliver incorrect dosing of insulin and the recall has been identified by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration as a Class I recall -- the most serious type -- because use of the recalled devices may cause serious harm or death.

    The pumps are used by peo...

    Statins are proven to lower cholesterol, but they may also come with a downside for patients with diabetes: A new study finds they may make the blood sugar disease worse.

    Researchers found that among those taking statins, 56% saw their diabetes progress, compared with 48% of those not taking statins. And the higher the dose of the statin, the faster the progression of the diabetes.


    Insulin resistance can make you more than twice as likely to develop major depression, even if you haven't developed full-blown diabetes, a new study reports.

    Initially healthy people who later developed prediabetes were 2.6 times more likely to come down with major depression during a nine-year follow-up period, according to the findings.

    "The insulin-resistant folks had two to thr...

    Potentially dangerous symptoms of type 1 diabetes in children are not always immediately recognized by primary care providers, new research suggests.

    In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas fails to make enough insulin, the hormone that helps regulate blood sugar used for energy by cells. Between 5% and 10% of cases of diabetes are type 1, which often first surfaces in childhood.

    The Swed...

    Children diagnosed with type 2 diabetes face a high likelihood of developing complications before age 30, a new study suggests.

    Researchers found that among 500 children and teenagers with type 2 diabetes, 60% developed at least one complication over the next 15 years -- including nerve damage, eye disease and kidney disease.

    Type 2 diabetes, which is often associated with older age...

    U.S. pharmacists will now be able to automatically substitute a cheaper biosimilar for a more expensive brand-name insulin, the U.S Food and Drug Administration announced Wednesday.

    The agency's approval of an "interchangeable" biosimilar could save diabetics and health plans millions each year, the Associated Press reported. Until now, doctors have had to specifically prescribe ...

    As many as two of every five Americans who've died from COVID-19 were suffering from diabetes, making the chronic disease one of the highest-risk conditions during the pandemic, an expert says.

    About 40% of deaths from COVID-19 in the United States were among diabetics, a "really quite sobering" statistic that should prompt people with the ailment to get vaccinated, said Dr. Robert Gabbay...

    TUESDAY, June 29, 2021 (HealthDay News) --Walmart said Tuesday that it will start selling its own private brand of insulin at much lower prices than competing products.

    Insulin prices have skyrocketed in recent years, making it unaffordable for some Americans with diabetes, according to CBS News.

    "We know many people with diabetes struggle to manage the financial burden of ...

    A new quick and painless sensor that measures blood sugar in human sweat may mean far fewer finger pricks for the millions of people who live with diabetes.

    Monitoring blood sugar to make sure it remains in the target range is the cornerstone of diabetes management, but the pain and inconvenience of daily finger pricks can be a deterrent for many.

    The investigational, touch-based t...

    Black people have higher diabetes death rates than white people in the 30 largest cities in the United States, a new study finds.

    But placing a cap on the price of insulin could narrow that racial gap, according to researcher Joanna Buscemi, of DePaul University in Chicago. Insulin medication is needed by all people with type 1 diabetes and many who have type 2, the more common form of th...

    Daily insulin jabs can be the bane of existence for people who live with type 2 diabetes, but an investigational once-weekly insulin shot may be a game changer for these folks.

    While the research is still in its early stages, the new drug called basal insulin Fc (BIF) is given once a week and appears to be just as effective at controlling blood sugar (glucose) as insulin degludec, the gol...

    Just two weeks of treatment with an experimental drug can delay the onset of type 1 diabetes by several years, researchers report.

    The drug, called teplizumab, is already under review by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration based on earlier evidence of its effectiveness.

    If it gets the green light, it would become the first drug approved for delaying type 1 diabetes in high-risk pe...

    Diabetes is never an easy disease to manage, but coping with type 1 diabetes can be a particularly difficult challenge for teens.

    The transition from childhood to adolescence can be hard on both kids and parents, the JDRF (formerly the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation) says.

    As boys and girls with type 1 diabetes enter puberty they undergo lots of changes, including increases i...

    Doctors need to do a better job of discussing low blood sugar with patients who take high-risk diabetes medications such as insulin, researchers say.

    Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) is the most common serious side effect of diabetes treatment. Severe cases can lead to falls, emergency department visits, and may increase the risk of stroke and death.

    "For patients to have safe diabete...

    Researchers report that insulin can be stored at less-cold temperatures than previously known, potentially simplifying diabetes care for people in warmer regions that have fewer resources.

    Researchers from Doctors Without Borders and the University of Geneva tested insulin storage in real conditions ranging from 77 to 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit for four weeks -- the time it typically takes t...

    THURSDAY, Jan. 21, 2021 (HealthDay News) - - With rising obesity rates, more young women American women are developing type 2 diabetes, putting them at hugely increased risk for heart disease, new research shows.

    In fact, the study found that women under 55 with type 2 diabetes had a tenfold greater risk of having heart disease over the next two decades compared to their non-diabetic peer...

    Tough limits on carbohydrates in your meals can help get type 2 diabetes under control -- but the benefits typically wane over time, a new research review shows.

    The analysis of 23 small trials found that low-carb diets worked better than other eating plans in helping people lose weight and send their type 2 diabetes into remission. That was true, at least, in the first six months.
