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Results for search "Urine Problems".

Health News Results - 31

Urinary incontinence is a common aftereffect of delivering a baby, but it can have a devastating effect on new moms, a new study warns.

These bladder leaks are significantly associated with anxiety and depression in new mothers, researchers discovered....

A new urine test could spare bladder cancer survivors from a painful follow-up procedure needed to ensure their cancer hasn't come back, researchers report.

People who've gotten surgery for high-risk bladder cancer require a cystoscopy -- a procedure in which a flexible probe is inserted through the urethra into the bladder, allowing doctors to check for signs of recurring cancer.


If you're female and you lose bladder control upon exertion -- sneezing, coughing, laughing, lifting something heavy -- you may have stress urinary incontinence.

As many women know, the condition is no joke and it may keep you from doing the things you love.

There are solutions, however, some of them surgical. Here, experts at the Mayo Clinic and NYU Langone Health describe the vari...

Golden news for a new year: Scientists now know why urine is yellow.

It's only taken 100 years, but researchers say they've pinpointed the enzyme in urine behind its buttery hue.

"This enzyme discovery finally unravels the mystery behind urine's yellow color,"said study lead author Brantley Hall. He's an assistant pro...

The prognosis is poor for many cancer patients who develop serious urinary blockages, but researchers say less than half receive palliative care.

Palliative care aims to relieve pain and other symptoms of serious illness. Hospice care, one type of palliative care, is an option for patients who are expected to live no more than six months.

Hospice care can make patients comfortable a...

Dehydration brings lots of risks -- including urinary tract infections (UTIs).

An expert offers some tips for avoiding these painful infections without sacrificing summer fun.

"Patients can experience more UTIs during the summer due to inadequate fluid intake, especially in the historic heat waves we've been experiencing,"said

It may not be necessary for people who have prolapse surgery for pelvic floor disorders to wait to get started exercising again.

A new study challenges standard restrictions, finding that those who resume exercising soon after the procedure do just as well as those who wait several weeks.

"This study is a paradigm shift for urogynecologists -- it is practice changing,"said senior st...

A lot of women experience stress urinary incontinence, those bladder leaks that can happen when a woman is coughing, sneezing, laughing or exercising.

It's the most common type of urinary incontinence in women, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Some first-line options are changing behaviors and doing pelvic floor exercises.

Pelvic floor exercises strengthen ...

Men suffering from an enlarged prostate can receive long-term relief from a minimally invasive procedure that partially blocks blood flow to the gland, new research reports.

The procedure, called prostate artery embolization (PAE), dramatically improved urinary symptoms in patients without having any effect on erectile function, said senior researcher

  • Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter
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  • March 2, 2023
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  • If you struggle with urinary incontinence and worry that diet drinks may make matters worse, new research suggests they may not have a significant effect.

    "This study is important in that it may guide clinicians counseling women with urinary incontinence to focus more on behavioral modifications, such as total volume intake, rather than on the type of beverage consumed," said

  • Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • December 28, 2022
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  • Weight-loss surgery can have many health benefits, and now a new study suggests that long-term relief from urinary incontinence is one of them.

    Urinary incontinence (UI) is a common problem, and obesity is among the risk factors for it: Extra pounds put more pressure on the bladder and the muscles supporting it, which can cause urine to leak.

    Because of that, weight loss is often en...

    Menopause is famous for triggering hot flashes and mood swings, but one embarrassing side effect of a woman's drop in estrogen levels is lesser known -- urinary urge incontinence.

    Now, a new study suggests that a topical treatment called prasterone, applied via a vaginal suppository, can ease those symptoms.

    Urinary incontinence can plague men as they age, but a new study suggests it may be more than just a bothersome condition and might actually be a harbinger of early death.

    "This indicates the importance of assessing the general health, risk factors and major

  • Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter
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  • May 3, 2022
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  • For women with frequent urine leakage, a newer and simpler "sling" surgery works as well as the standard version, according to a new clinical trial.

    The study involved women with stress urinary incontinence, w...

    Everyone has had a case of the squirms at some point in their life, fighting the need to urinate as a full bladder presses them to let it all go.

    But for some, that need occurs far too often. Or, even worse, they go accidentally when they sneeze or laugh.

    "Incontinence has been shown in multiple validated studies to severely affect someone's quality of life," said Dr. Konstantin Wal...

    A new study confirms what many older women already know: Bladder problems in women worsen with age.

    The researchers found that postmenopausal women between 45 and 54 years of age are more likely to have overactive bladder syndrome, and that obesity and multiple ...

    If you pee a little when you laugh, dance, exercise or sneeze, you may have stress urinary incontinence.

    While this can be annoying, it can be treated -- and even some small lifestyle changes can make a big difference, according to the Urology Care Foundation, the official foundation of the American Urological Association.

    It might help to lose weight or to stop smoking, which will ...

    Researchers have identified two previously unrecognized symptoms of pancreatic cancer -- a discovery that might help with earlier detection and improve extremely low survival numbers, they say.

    "When pancreatic cancer is diagnosed earlier, patients have a higher chance of survival. It is possible to diagnose patients when they visit their GP, but both patients and GPs need to be aware of ...

    Millions of women are plagued by the daily disruptions of urinary incontinence, and new research suggests it might also be harming their mental health.

    For the study, researchers analyzed data from 10,000 adult women who took part in a Portuguese Health Ministry survey conducted every five years. Overall, one in 10 reported having urinary incontinence, but the rate was four in 10 among wo...

    Women who try to hold their pee during the day might want to rethink that strategy.

    It's time to "get up and go," according to the Urology Care Foundation, which is encouraging women to be proactive about their urological health.

    That, of course, means get up and go to the bathroom if you need to. But the foundation also suggests a number of activities a woman can get up and go...

    Many women with pelvic organ prolapse may get lasting relief from a treatment that's been around for a few thousand years, a new study suggests.

    With pelvic organ prolapse (POP), weakened muscles and supporting tissue in the pelvis allow one or more organs -- including the uterus, bladder or rectum -- to protrude into the vagina.

    Often, women with the condition do not have symptoms ...

    Nearly 1 in 2 women over the age of 50 deal with the indignities of urinary incontinence, but experts say no one has to suffer in silence.

    Frequently considered an inevitable problem of aging, most women never even try to get treatment for the urinary leakage that they experience, said Dr. Christopher Hartman, chief of urology at Long Island Jewish Forest Hills in New York City.


    Most folks are familiar with the havoc that high pollen levels can wreak on their lungs, but new research suggests they can also exacerbate a painful pelvic condition in some people.

    "Our study provides evidence to suggest increased pollen counts may trigger symptom flares in people living with UCPPS [urologic chronic pelvic pain syndrome]," said researcher Siobhan Sutcliffe, of Washingto...

    If you smoke, you significantly increase your odds of developing bladder cancer, experts warn.

    "Everyone knows smoking causes lung cancer, but they don't always know about bladder cancer," said Dr. Srinivas Vourganti, a urologist at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago who specializes in treating bladder and other urinary tract cancers.

    Smoking causes more than half of all case...

    Scientists say they have spotted the gene responsible for telling you when it's time to pee.

    The gene, called PIEZO2, may help at least two different types of cells sense when the bladder is full and needs to be emptied.

    "Urination is essential for our health. It's one of the primary ways our bodies dispose of waste. We show how specific genes and cells may play criti...

    Urinary tract infections plague millions of Americans. Now new research suggests that what they eat might have a role to play.

    The Taiwanese study compared UTI rates among nearly 10,000 Buddhists living in the island nation, about a third of whom followed a strict vegetarian diet.

    The research couldn't prove a cause-and-effect link, but it showed that people who eschewed mea...

    Learning how to control the urge to urinate may be all the therapy men need to treat an overactive bladder, a new study suggests.

    A combination of drugs and behavioral therapy seems to work better than drugs alone, but behavioral therapy alone also worked better than drugs, the researchers found.

    The trial of 204 men with overactive bladder suggests behavioral therapy may b...

    No 'purple rain' jokes, please.

    A 70-year-old French woman hospitalized for stroke left her physicians puzzled after her urine took on an unusual hue.

    Ten days after receiving a urinary catheter as part of her post-stroke treatment, "her urine appeared purple," reported Drs. Leo Placais and Christian Denier, of Bicetre Hospital in the town of Le Kremlin-Bicetre, France.


    Doctors often prescribe anticholinergic drugs for a variety of ills. But a new study suggests they may increase the risk of dementia in older patients.

    These medicines include everything from Benadryl (diphenhydramine) to certain antipsychotics and Parkinson's meds. They're used to treat a wide range of other conditions, including depression, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, ove...

    For women who need relief from bladder control problems, behavioral therapies are a better bet than medication, a new research review finds.

    In an analysis of 84 clinical trials, researchers found that overall, women were better off with behavioral approaches to easing urinary incontinence than relying on medication.

    Study patients were over five times more likely to see the...

    Many survivors of the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak in West Africa have ongoing health problems, a new study finds.

    More than 28,000 people were infected and more than 11,000 died in the outbreak.

    Researchers compared 966 Ebola survivors from Liberia with 2,350 close contacts and sexual partners. They found that survivors were more likely to have increased urinary frequency, head...